Angelus – March 1981

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Angelus – March 1981

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  • Communion in the Hand – A Symptom of Irreverence
  • Saint Thomas Aquinas – The Anit-Modernist
  • Angel Talk – For Children
  • Catholicism – Book Review
  • The Angelus – Some History and Meditations
  • Saint Thomas Aquinas – Fasting
  • Method of Hearing Mass Spiritually for the Absent
  • The Sexual Counter-Revolution
  • Letter to Our Readers
  • Archbishop Speaks: The Tenth Anniversary of the SSPX
  • Question and Answer
    • Should the bell be rung 3 times at the “Domine non sum dignus…” before the Communion of the faithful?
    • Are the Jews still the chosen people have they the right to take the Palestinian homelands?

Angelus - March 1981
