Doctor Who: The Krotons

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Doctor Who: The Krotons


The TARDIS arrives on the unnamed planet of the Gonds, who are ruled and taught in a form of self-perpetuating slavery by the alien Krotons – crystalline beings whose ship, the Dynatrope, crash-landed there thousands of years ago after being damaged in a space battle. The Krotons are at present in suspended animation, in a crystalline slurry form, awaiting a time when they can be reconstituted by absorbtion of mental energy. Periodically, the two most brilliant Gond students are received into the Dynatrope, apparently to become ‘companions of the Krotons’ but in truth to have their mental energy drained, after which they are killed.Episode 1The TARDIS lands on the planet of the Gonds, a primitive and enslavedpeople. Every year, two of the finest Gond students are sent to be‘companions’ of the mysterious and unseen Krotons. But the Doctorreveals that only death awaits them.Episode 2Zoe and the Doctor submit themselves to the Krotons’ IQ tests and areselected to enter the Dynatrope, the Krotons’ ship. There they watchas the crystalline Krotons are brought back to life.Episode 3The Doctor and Zoe are pursued by a Kroton as they attempt to returnto the TARDIS. The Gonds prepare to destroy the Krotons’ ship, butJamie is still held prisoner inside.Episode 4The Krotons are preparing to leave the planet and demand that theGonds hand over the Doctor and Zoe, so that their mental energy canbe drained.

Doctor Who: The Krotons
